Assistant Editors

Work of cotton and silk: purple, white, and black in repeating linear patterns.


The primary responsibilities of Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom's assistant editors are to create and prepare content for online publication, including website maintenance and development, developing new topic clusters, hosting conversations, and seeking out potential guest hosts for Zoomcasts.

Assistant Editor Biographies

Tile/Header Image Caption

Once Known Yoruba Artist. Shawl (Aso Oke). [nineteenth century]. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2012.335. Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0). Public Domain Dedication. Purchase, Mrs. Howard J. Barnet Gift, 2012. Purchase, Mrs. Howard J. Barnet Gift, 2012. The use of this image here and other such images on our recent Call for Syllabi and Syllabus Cluster (Open) pages allude to the efforts of Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom to engage in unlearning by working across disciplines, cultures, and historical periods, while introducing alternate ways of knowing and representing the world into Victorian Studies.

Page Citation (MLA)

“Assistant Editors.” Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, 2023,